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Begonia beneficial properties for the home. If you received a begonia as a gift, find out the signs associated with it. Begonia: positive signs

The distribution area of ​​begonia in nature is South America, Africa, India. This plant species was discovered at the end of the 17th century by the French botanist Charles Plumier in the West Indies. He gave the plant its name in honor of his companion Michel Begon.

A large number of species of this plant for use in floriculture can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Deciduous and decorative specimens have beautiful, irregularly shaped leaves of a wide variety of colors.
  2. Beautifully flowering varieties, densely dotted during flowering with complex rose-like or simple flowers of yellow, white, pink and red.

It is impossible to describe this flower because begonias are so diverse that each species requires an individual description.

Like many plants, Begonia has various properties for the human body, including the following benefits:

Now you know why begonia is needed at home.
But there are also warnings associated with this plant:

  1. Many types of begonias are poisonous to one degree or another, so it is better to prepare preparations with extracts of this flower after reliably making sure that a safe specimen is selected. Dosages must be strictly observed to avoid poisoning.
  2. You should be careful when there are small children and animals in the house, because an eaten begonia leaf can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the mouth and larynx.
  3. Preparations containing this plant are prohibited for use by pregnant, lactating women and children.
  4. When handling any plant, do not rub your face or eyes, otherwise you may get burned. It is better to transplant with gloves.

Why are they grown?

Of course, the main function of begonia is to decorate the interior of your home (learn about growing begonia at home). These plants are actually very beautiful, and some are even original. Begonias are used in flower arrangements and simply kept on the windowsill. Some blooming begonias look like a bouquet of small roses. Others are striking with exotic-looking leaves.

On a note. People familiar with the beneficial properties of this plant use it as an air purifier, for example, in a room where they smoke. It, like a vacuum cleaner, draws in all the toxins.

However, there are those who grow begonia to attract good luck, love, prosperity and positive energy. All this is promised by folk signs and beliefs.

From an esoteric point of view, this plant has positive energy. and can help in almost all areas of life. Below we will describe the meaning of a flower in a person’s life, according to popular belief. Generally speaking, begonia is a symbol of what phenomena in people's lives?

  • If finances are not going well, begonia will attract cash flow into the house.
  • You are alone? Place a begonia with red flowers in your bedroom, and happiness will not keep you waiting.
  • Do you have a significant other? A scarlet begonia near your bed will help maintain love and passion in your relationship.
  • Pink flowers in the kitchen will get rid of domestic disputes.
  • White begonias in the living room will establish peace among all household members.
  • No happiness? A caring plant will give happiness to all the inhabitants of the house.
  • When begonia withers, expect trouble.
  • When it blooms profusely, everything will be fine.
  • If it blooms at the wrong time, there will be a new addition to the family.
  • A person with negative energy came to the house - the flower will take it all away.
  • Being near a begonia, you are charged with positive energy.
  • Buying begonia at the market is a bad omen.
  • The flower helps heal the heart, lungs, liver and stomach.

Now you know what it means to have begonia growing at home - it can be both good and bad.

Is it worth growing in an apartment?

Can I keep it at home? You can keep any flowers in your house that you and your family like. You shouldn’t blame this little flower for your successes and failures. You may believe that your beautiful begonia brings you good luck and even consider it a talisman. However, you should not expect that while the hostess is lying on the sofa, the begonia will drag a bag of money and a prince in love to her doorstep.

Important! We are responsible for our pets. For their condition and life. And begonia will definitely reward you with clean air and beautiful flowers.

Frankly, I also suffer from superstition, and I believe that a person who takes responsibility for his life only on himself is a sure sign that the plants in his house will be well-groomed and healthy.

Get begonias if you like them, take care of them, achieve success in life and believe in your strength, and not in the signs invented by someone!

For the plant to bring us good luck, we will provide it with:


We spit over our shoulders, knock on wood, chase black cats out of the way, cross our fingers and wait for the man to come when the knife falls. Sometimes without even thinking about why we do it.

Plants really have a beneficial effect on a person’s psychological state- this has been proven by science. Everything else is the result of our actions. And it’s great if all these signs are true, but “trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself.”

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Begonia is good for hospitable homes, where a variety of people constantly visit. All people have different energy, including negative energy. Begonia acts as a filter - it passes all the energy through itself, and then, having cleansed it, returns only positively charged energy to the house.

Royal begonia with green-red leaves ending in sharp triangles will stimulate you, speed up the pace of your life, you will act faster and more decisively, think faster and find the right words. Communication with people will cease to be a burdensome duty. You will begin to enjoy communication, begin to win arguments, and in any difficult situations you will prefer verbal battles to physical fights.

Begonia is a plant for businessmen; it brings special luck in trade operations and transactions. Develops sensitivity and intuition.

Begonia helps sentimental people, as its energy restrains emotions and prevents the development of depression. And if you are now looking for a way out of yet another labyrinth of life, try asking begonia for help. It will help you turn off your emotions and look at the situation calmly and rationally, as if from the outside. You will be surprised how easy it is for you to find a way out.

For those whose thoughts “spread throughout the tree,” begonia helps them find the exact words and expressions at the right time. It helps to overcome the so-called starting barrier - the fear of starting something.

Begonia is propagated by stem cuttings and seeds. Tuberous begonias also reproduce by dividing sprouted tubers. The tuber is cut in half so that each part has sprouts and roots; the sections on the tuber are sprinkled with charcoal or sulfur. The nodules are planted so that its top rises slightly above the soil level.

Every home has indoor plants. They decorate our home and bring benefits, purifying the air and giving us a good mood. Few people have thought about the fact that flowers can bring not only benefits, but also harm. There are certain types of plants that can bring happiness to the home, prosperity and good luck. Some green friends can cause harm in certain conditions.

How to figure it out and surround your home with plants that will carry only positive energy? There are many signs and superstitions associated with the plant kingdom. We will talk about this in the article.

Dangerous "friends"

There are many signs and superstitions, some of them related to plants. Most often they are related to indoor flowers. People have long known that Each plant has its own magic and power. It is not for nothing that sorcerers have always used plants to prepare magic potions. Our contemporaries came to the conclusion that plants feel people, remember them and can feel pain, therefore they need to be treated with care.

You need to choose the right plants for your home. For example, it is better to use climbing flowers only for their intended purpose. It is not advisable to buy vines with sharp and narrow leaves for your home. Climbing plants reflect attacking reflections from the sharp corners of the room and the projection of the walls. To activate the energy at home, it is advisable to purchase flowers with fleshy and round leaves. Flowers with leaves and stems pointing up rather than down are good sources of positive energy.

Nowadays cacti have become fashionable, almost every home has them, but this plant should be alarming. Cacti carry negative energy instead of positive. Their energy seems to permeate the living space. They are able to neutralize harmful radiation from many household appliances:

  • computer;
  • microwave;
  • TV,
  • laptop.

The plant, being close to equipment, will remove their negative effects of magnetic vibrations. For this purpose also It’s good to put a fern instead of a cactus.

Flowers with negative energy include azalea and wax ivy. In addition, wax ivy scares away grooms if there is a bride in the house. Bad radiation comes from palm trees with sharp and thin leaves.

Welcome guests in the house

There are many more flowers with positive energy. You should definitely learn about them and purchase them for your home. Just a few decades ago, aloe or Kalanchoe could be seen in many homes. They are considered antiseptic, which is obviously why they were so popular. If you believe the signs, these plants can fulfill the wishes of household members.

Negative energy gradually accumulates in every home, and in order to remove it, you need to purchase at least one of these colors:

  • geranium:
  • chrysanthemum;
  • mint.

They are keepers of peace, can protect the inhabitants of the house from negative influences and disturbances.

There are many flowers that can bring harmony, peace and love to your home. These include myrtle. The plant is a symbol of family well-being. Every family must have it in order to live in love and harmony for many years.

Violets and roses contribute to the emergence of passion and love. For a childless family, it is good to have cyclamen; it is believed that it will promote the conception of a child. The flower must be placed in the bedroom.

Citrus plants good for relieving headaches, migraines, they help relieve stress. Balsam gives maximum positive energy and creates an atmosphere of light and goodness. Suitable for material well-being in the home:

  • begonia - helps improve material well-being, brings success in business;
  • primrose, arrowroot, dieffenbachia, hemanthus - attract money to the family budget.

Begonia and Kalanchoe also improve the well-being of all family members. According to herbalists, begonia can improve the well-being of people suffering from respiratory tract disease. If you place geraniums on the windowsill, your sleep will be stronger and healthier.

Syngonium: signs and superstitions

Many gardeners like this flower. The beautiful syngonium vine with unusual leaves attracts many with its appearance. It is impossible to say unequivocally about her. There is an opinion that syngonium brings misfortune to the house, destroys the relationship between a man and a woman. Feng Shui experts believe that, like all other syngonium vines with sharp leaves, they bring negative energy into the house.

There is also an opinion that the flower is the keeper of home warmth and comfort; it is considered a symbol of positive changes in the home. Syngonium promotes the recovery of sick household members. Positive changes can be judged by the leaves of the plant; they will change their shade. If you often have bad dreams, then it’s time to start a syngonium in your house; it will give only pleasant dreams. It is also believed that syngonium brings success in business.

All plants require care. If a flower dies and it can no longer be saved, it is better to part with it immediately. There should be in the house only fresh and healthy plants. Sick and dying flowers cannot give positive energy; they will emit the energy of withering and disease.

It is not recommended to keep a lot of flowers in the bedroom, since plants do not release oxygen, but absorb it in the dark. At night, you need to open the window slightly so that there is access to fresh air if there are indoor flowers in the room.

It is advisable to always choose flowers to your liking for your home. It is worth thinking about your desires, since they are always closely related to our tastes. If you believe signs, then flowers with negative energies It's better to admire from a distance. Everyone must determine for himself whether to believe or not to believe in “flower” superstitions and, in any case, live in harmony with nature.

There are more than 1000 subspecies, native to the hot and humid regions of Asia, America and Africa. The plant is suitable for planting both in pots and in open ground.. Read about caring for garden begonia, and you will learn how to grow this plant at home in a pot.

Recipes for use in traditional medicine:

The plant is included in many healing ointments and rubs.. Most often, begonia is used in the following cases.

  1. Wash fresh leaves, dry them and pass through a meat grinder (it is better to use a meat grinder, which is no longer useful in everyday life or when cooking).
  2. Squeeze the resulting pulp, then strain to obtain juice.
  3. Pour in boiled water at a ratio of 1:1.

ADVICE: The resulting solution can be stored in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator. Before use, warm up in a steam bath. Use as compresses.

Stomach ulcer, lung pathologies with hemoptysis

  1. To prepare the tincture, you should obtain juice from begonia leaves (identical to recipe 1).
  2. Next, pour alcohol (40%) into it in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Close the container tightly and leave for 14 days in a dark place.
  4. Strain the resulting mixture.

You need to drink the tincture 10-15 drops per 1 tbsp. water. The course of treatment is 3 times a day, half an hour before meals for a month.

Getting rid of sprains and bruises

In addition, begonia is of particular value as a generator of positive energy. The plant passes through itself and transforms negative waves, allowing only positively charged energy into the room.

How can it be harmful to humans?

The presented plant can not only heal, but also harm. When preparing any recipes, it is important to follow the dosage and doctor’s recommendations. Self-medication leads to poisoning even with non-poisonous begonia varieties. What harm does poisonous begonia cause to humans?

  1. Failure to comply with the dosage in recipes that require oral administration results in severe poisoning.
  2. If the poison gets into the eyes, vision problems (short-term blindness) may occur.
  3. Pure begonia juice, when it comes into contact with the skin, causes itching, burning and burns.
  4. Eating leaves can cause severe stomach upset or poisoning.

Contraindications and risks

Before taking various home remedies that contain begonia, a preliminary consultation with a specialist is required. The list of main contraindications includes allergies and individual intolerance to the plant, pregnancy and lactation, early age (children, adolescents).

So, this is a beautiful and healing plant, which, if the dosage is not observed, can pose a threat to human health. It is important to coordinate the intake of medicinal formulations with your doctor. Pots with begonias should be placed out of reach of children and animals.

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If you have begonia in your home, the signs are of particular importance. Let's consider what kind of plant this is and what signs associated with it exist.

Figure 1. Bright begonia flowers will be a wonderful decoration for any home.

Begonia flower

Why should you grow begonia? There are many reasons why you want to have this particular plant at home. Begonia is easy to care for and blooms very beautifully. There are many different types of begonias. Scarlet flowers are bright and catchy. At the same time, pink and white inflorescences are more elegant and sophisticated (Fig. 1).

Begonias are great for use as indoor plants because they are light-tolerant. They can bloom in bright colors in complete darkness, making them quite versatile. If there is much more light than they need, then they will begin to deteriorate.

Begonias are really easy to care for. They prefer to fill with water in an amount that allows for good drainage. Almost any type of fertilizer will work well to strengthen this flower. Look for a feed that will provide them with sufficient macronutrients and micronutrients.

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Folk signs

Begonia is believed to bring happiness to the home.

Everyone wants their home to be clean and look prosperous. For this you need very little. Buy beautiful plants and your home will sparkle with many new colors. You can choose interesting pots to match them that will suit the interior of your home.

But before buying, find out as much as you can about the flower. After all, like people, plants have their own energy. Take into account all the nuances, and the aura in the house will change for the better.

Begonia is very popular these days. It has many shapes and colors. Surely everyone will find what they need for their home. There are signs associated with this indoor plant. And most of them come true, because this is the wisdom of our ancestors:

  1. If begonia grows in a house or apartment, then all its inhabitants will certainly be happy.
  2. If you are a single person, she will help you find love.
  3. When you don't have enough money, ask this plant for it. You can be sure that after a short time you will definitely have them.
  4. Perhaps you want to know what will happen to you in the future. All changes that occur to your flowers indicate future events. If the plant begins to wither and fade, this is a bad omen. Some illness may occur in the house or one of its inhabitants may die.
  5. If begonia grows or blooms very quickly, then this is a very good omen. The house will definitely be visited by prosperity and good luck in business.
  6. If flowers appear unexpectedly, then a new addition to the family will certainly await you.
  7. Are you having problems with your personal life? Begonia will help solve them.

The fact is that this indoor plant has only positive energy. When you are near him, you get a charge of positivity and energy. In this state, you attract other people and want to communicate with you more. In this way, you can find not only good friends, but also your love.

Begonia helps attract money into your home. If you take good care of her and love her, then she will want to thank you. Perhaps you will receive an unexpected inheritance, find a large sum, or your salary will be increased. With the addition of this indoor beauty island, your well-being will improve.

Remember! If your plant has red flowers, then place it in your bedroom as a symbol of love. If the flowers are white or pink, then the hallway or kitchen is best suited.

The main condition is not to place begonia near the door or on the window.

Think in advance about a place where it will be convenient to put it.

When buying begonia for yourself, do not do it at the market.

Firstly, there is no proper care for the plant. It will be sad if it dies a few days after purchase. Moreover, we already know that this is a bad omen.

And secondly, there are a lot of people in the market. Some have a bad aura that can easily rub off on your future purchase. It’s better not to take risks and buy begonia in a specialized store.

Choose a houseplant that suits your taste. Begonia will not only decorate your home, but will also bring a lot of positivity to it.

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Due to its delicate appearance, begonia is one of the favorite flowers that are grown both at home and in gardens. This flower is not at all whimsical, grows well in indoor conditions and is an annual.

Annual flowers bloom from spring until autumn, and are not inferior to perennial flowers in their beauty. These flowers are suitable for garden decoration and for bouquets. In addition to begonias, asters, calendula, poppies are also annual flowers. Many varieties of these flowers are propagated by seeds, and some types of begonias are planted as seedlings.

What you need to know about begonias?

Begonia refers to indoor plants, but they can also be planted in open ground. Begonia flowers take root well in shady corners of the garden and balconies in the summer.

They have small, large and giant flowers of different shapes, with beautiful leaves. Low, with creeping rhizomes or tuberous, have straight vertical stems.

Begonias love moist air; temperatures up to +22°C are favorable for them. This plant cannot be sprayed - they may develop fungal diseases. Therefore, in order not to cause harm, the air should be sprayed around the plants.

Many varieties of begonias, and there are about 900 species, bloom all summer, but there are varieties that bloom during the cold season - autumn and winter.

There are simple, double and camellia-shaped flowers. All summer and autumn, the flowering of begonia will delight you with its beauty. Begonia has leaves of stunning colors: from soft green shades to shades of bronze. The color of the petals can be white, yellow and red, there are orange and pink colors.

Types of begonias

Begonias are grown in different types and varieties. One of the common species is evergreen begonia. It is grown at home as a heat-loving plant; this variety does not tolerate cold.

Royal begonia - has silver-burgundy leaves and can decorate any interior. Decorative leaf begonias - have leaves covered with fleshy hairs, similar to maple ones. They do not require special care, they decorate and improve the microclimate of the room, and neutralize negative energy.

Beneficial properties of begonia

Begonia has many beneficial properties, but not everyone knows about it. Having this flower at home is useful for smokers. It is also useful for people suffering from chronic bronchitis to keep begonia in the house; it relieves pain in the chest area.

Any owner strives to transform his home by growing begonia flowers. Even the most beautiful house without flowers and flower beds will have an unsightly appearance; its cheerful greenery will make your home more beautiful and cozy.

Beneficial properties of begonia

What beneficial properties does begonia have? Medicinal properties of begonia.

Begonia is a shrubby plant. Its height can be up to half a meter, which is too much for breeding at home, so the top is plucked off. This plant is very popular among lovers of indoor floriculture. If you properly care for begonia, which does not require much effort, then it can bloom and please the eye all year round.

The disadvantage of the plant is that the branches of the begonia are stretched, thereby disrupting its decorative appearance. But if you trim unnecessary shoots, this can be avoided. In addition, if you periodically pluck the plant, it will benefit it; in this case, new shoots will appear that will grow in the right direction.

Begonia needs sunlight, fresh air and high humidity. In order for it to take root better at home, it is recommended to take a bush that previously grew outside, then the plant will not be too demanding and capricious. Begonia leaves contain a large amount of phytoncides, thanks to which the plant cleanses and improves the health of indoor air.

For example, it can reduce the presence of staphylococcus in the air. The phytoncidal properties of begonia are so high that it improves immunity, helps fight stress, relieves fatigue and increases performance. This plant is especially recommended for offices and educational institutions, as it improves mood and promotes increased mental activity.

Begonia infusion for alcoholism

Compound: 2 tbsp. begonia leaves, 1 tbsp. olive oil.

Cooking method: pour olive oil over the crushed raw material, let it brew for 2 hours.

Mode of application: Take the resulting product in full 3 times a day for a month.

We use plant energy. Begonia

Beneficial properties of begonia

Begonia is good for hospitable homes, where a variety of people constantly visit. All people have different energy, including negative energy.

Begonia in the house: signs and superstitions

Begonia acts as a filter - it passes all the energy through itself, and then, having cleansed it, returns only positively charged energy to the house.

Royal begonia with green-red leaves ending in sharp triangles will stimulate you, speed up the pace of your life, you will act faster and more decisively, think faster and find the right words. Communication with people will cease to be a burdensome duty. You will begin to enjoy communication, begin to win arguments, and in any difficult situations you will prefer verbal battles to physical fights.

Begonia is a plant for businessmen; it brings special luck in trade operations and transactions. Develops sensitivity and intuition.

Begonia helps sentimental people, as its energy restrains emotions and prevents the development of depression. And if you are now looking for a way out of yet another labyrinth of life, try asking begonia for help. It will help you turn off your emotions and look at the situation calmly and rationally, as if from the outside. You will be surprised how easy it is for you to find a way out.

For those whose thoughts “spread throughout the tree,” begonia helps them find the exact words and expressions at the right time. It helps to overcome the so-called starting barrier - the fear of starting something.

Begonia is propagated by stem cuttings and seeds. Tuberous begonias also reproduce by dividing sprouted tubers. The tuber is cut in half so that each part has sprouts and roots; the sections on the tuber are sprinkled with charcoal or sulfur. The nodules are planted so that its top rises slightly above the soil level.

your feedback

Do you know that the begonia growing on your window is a real healer? So how can it be useful for you?

Scientists have proven that begonia has antiallergic, antiseptic, wound healing, and antispasmodic effects. It is rich in oxalic acid, tannins, organic acids, and contains a large amount of phytoncides.

This plant is capable of absorbing chemicals, traps dust on the leaves, and humidifies the air in the room. It reduces electromagnetic radiation from household appliances and computers.

Here are some ways to use begonia:

1. For the treatment of wounds, burns, ulcers, for muscle and joint pain as compresses, for snake bites, begonia juice is made.

Cut the leaves and wash them, dry them slightly and pass through a meat grinder, then squeeze out the juice and strain, add boiled water to the resulting liquid in a 1:1 ratio. The solution can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days; before use, it is advisable to warm it slightly in a water bath.

2. For ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, damage to the lungs, accompanied by hemoptysis, you can prepare the following tincture: juice obtained from begonia leaves, passed through a meat grinder, place in a dark glass container and pour in ethyl alcohol 40% in a ratio of 1:1, infuse tightly closed in the dark for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally, then strain. The tincture is used 15-20 drops per 1 tablespoon of boiled water 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, the course of treatment is 1 month, then a break for 1 month, then the course can be repeated.

Read also:

Begonia. Home care

How to care for begonia

Begonia. Begonia. Care and reproduction

The plant of the begonia family is native to tropical regions of both hemispheres. Named after the 17th century governor of Tahiti, Michel Begon, a great lover and collector of flowers. There are up to 2000 hybrid forms of begonias.

Common to all begonias is the presence of succulent, fleshy stems with asymmetrical leaves on petioles, unisexual flowers, located 2-3 in the leaf axils. Luxurious flowering and decorative leaves have made begonias very popular indoor plants. Begonias are conventionally divided into three groups, depending on the nature of the underground part of the plant: leafy, tuberous and bushy.

Begonia leaf. Home care

For their propagation, thickened rhizomes are used; plants of this group are distinguished by unusually beautiful leaves, although some of them bloom. The most striking representative of this group is the royal begonia (Begonia rex), or “Napoleon's ear”. It has a creeping, twisted, shortened stem, leaves on petioles 10-20 cm long, covered with hard fibers, and reddish in color. Leaf blades are up to 30 cm long and up to 20 cm wide. The underside of the leaf is reddish, with clearly visible veins, the upper main background is green with a metallic tint, there is a reddish border along the edge, the middle part of the leaf is silvery-white. There may be forms with bronze-brown leaves with silver spots; red-violet with a metallic sheen; velvety crimson with a silver edge and others. To prevent the plants from becoming depleted, the flowering arrow is removed before the flowers bloom.

Leaf begonias prefer a bright place without direct sunlight. In winter they are kept in a room with a temperature of at least 16 °C.

From spring to autumn, water with warm water as the top layer of soil dries, avoiding waterlogging. In winter, watering is moderate; excess moisture causes root rot. Leaves cannot be sprayed. They are replanted annually in the spring - the leaves of the plant turn pale in a cramped pot. The soil mixture is made up of leaf, peat, humus, turf soil and fishing line (1:1:1:0.5:1). During the growing season, feed once every two weeks with fertilizer with a low lime content. They love fresh air, but without drafts. Small leaves on long petioles that grow in winter are cut off in spring.

From February to May, this plant is propagated by leaf cuttings under glass at a temperature of 20-22 °C. They take root in 2-3 weeks.

Begonia tuberous. Home care

Tuberous begonias use tubers for propagation. The most common hybrids are tuberous begonias with double or regular flowers. Tuberous begonias bloom from June to December. They are distinguished by an abundance of flowers of all sizes and shapes with a rich colorful range. They are divided into large-flowered with a peduncle up to 60 cm, large-flowered indoor ones 30-40 cm high, medium-sized tuberous (up to 3 cm), small-flowered and ampelous with long branched thin drooping shoots and large flowers.

Place plants on east and west windows in light or partial shade, avoiding direct sunlight. In summer, outdoors, but in a place protected from the wind. The temperature in winter is not lower than 15 degrees.

Tuberous begonias require even moisture in the summer. The air around the plant is sprayed. From May to October they are fed weekly.

Before the first frost, the tubers are dug up and stored at a temperature of about 10 °C. First, the greens are cut off at a height of 2-3 cm from the tuber. You can leave the tubers in the pot, placing it in a cool place and keeping watering to a minimum.

Depending on the desired flowering period, tubers or parts thereof are planted in January-February in a nutrient mixture of turf, deciduous, peat soil and sand. The top of the tuber should protrude from the ground. Water with warm water. When the sprouts become stronger, the tops of the tubers are covered with earth.

This plant is propagated by dividing the tuber into parts with sprouts in the spring. The cut area should be sprinkled with crushed coal.

Bushy begonia. Home care

In bushy begonias, rhizomes are not used for propagation. This group includes the famous ever-flowering begonia (Begonia semperflorens). It reaches 15-30 cm in height. Blooms throughout the year in flower beds and pots. Popularly called “maiden beauty” for its constant flowering. The shoots are juicy and fragile. The leaves are medium-sized, with short stalks, smooth, shiny, dark green, bright, slightly wavy along the edge. The flowers are small, double, white, pink, red, 2-4 on short peduncles.

Bushy begonias are placed in bright places without direct sunlight. In winter, the room temperature should be at least 16 degrees.

Flowers require maintaining even humidity. Water them with soft water. From March to September, weekly feeding is required. The nutrient mixture is used as for other groups of begonias.

Apical cuttings quickly take root in the ground or in water.

They harmonize and neutralize negative energy between relatives. Clears the energy of conflicts.

Develops intuition and logical thinking, the ability to find simple ways to solve difficulties. Neutralizes the internal conflict of the mind and psyche. Relieves internal mental tension and irritation.

Beneficial properties of begonia

Resists diseases associated with the throat and thyroid gland. The cough goes away quickly. Cleanses the bronchi (for smokers). Prevents the appearance of acute pain in the chest area.

Creates a welcoming atmosphere. Saves from energy chaos.

Helps overcome fear and uncertainty in communication (for teachers, lecturers, writers, journalists, etc.)

Royal begonia is suitable for sociable, hospitable people, being one of the strongest protective plants. Royal begonia not only transforms negative vibrations into positive ones, but also organizes them, bringing the atmosphere in the house to balance and harmony.

Decorative flowering begonia neutralizes negative energy from quarrels between loved ones, smooths out conflicts and contradictions, nervousness and tension (expressed not only in words, but also subconsciously in people), protects the house from the invasion of external vibrations.

Evergreen begonia promotes relaxation and relieves psychological discomfort. The plant speeds up the thinking process and helps in communication. When it blooms, it will be easier for the inhabitants of the house to overcome coughing attacks. Begonia is recommended for Taurus to grow.

Mason's begonia balances an overly emotional situation and prevents disruption of harmony. Residents and guests begin to feel at ease.

Teaches you to express your thoughts clearly and concisely. Develops sensitivity and intuition.

Limiter. Restrains the development of any diseases associated with Cancer organs: the digestive system, mammary glands, gall bladder, chest.

Begonias help purify and improve indoor air: it has been established that the leaves of the plants have phytoncidal activity.

Used indoors as an “antimicrobial” agent. Begonia reduces the content of staphylococcus in the air by 80%. The plant was previously used to relieve stomach pain and dehydration. It is currently believed that, due to their phytoncidal properties, begonias increase the immunity of people who are in the same room with them and protect against stress.

It has been experimentally confirmed that indoor begonias can increase the efficiency of the team and improve the mood of employees.

Root tubers and fruits have analgesic and antispasmodic effects. Begonia helps remove toxic substances from the body, stimulates blood circulation, and has an antiallergic effect. Used in the treatment of bloody cough. An infusion of flowers is used externally to treat wounds, burns, and ulcers. The plant is capable of destroying up to 80% of microbial cells in the air (staphylococci, fungal spores, etc.).

Spotted begonia (Begonia picta). The juice of the plant is used internally to relieve headaches. An infusion of crushed begonia leaves is used for inflammation and irritation of the nipples. Juice from the roots is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis. Parts of the plant are also used in the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers.

Large begonia (Begonia grandis evansiana). Root tubers and fruits have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects. Decoctions are used to relieve pain from various injuries, to treat gonorrhea, bloody vomiting and postpartum vaginal discharge, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and snakebite.

The number of species of indoor begonias (Begonia) is approaching a thousand. Many of them are successfully grown at home and delight their owners with lush flowering twice a year. You will receive a description of the types of begonias, photos and recommendations for caring for these flowers below. We also bring to your attention information about the beneficial properties of begonia and its use in the Taoist practice of symbolic organization of Feng Shui space.

Family: Begoniaceae, beautifully flowering, deciduous and decorative, light-loving, shade-tolerant.

The genus includes more than 900 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants, subshrubs and low-growing shrubs. All types and varieties of begonias are conventionally divided into beautifully flowering and deciduous-decorative, and the leaves of the latter, in terms of originality of color and shape, are in no way inferior to the beauty of the flowers of flowering species. Begonias are so diverse that you can choose a plant for almost any conditions and for any interior.

Types of indoor flowers of the Begoniaceae family

Below are the names of begonia species, as well as photos of begonia species grown in indoor floriculture.

Begonia everblooming(Begonia semperflorens) - a lush bush up to 30 cm high.

Look at another photo of this type of begonia, the name of the plant speaks for itself - it is capable of blooming all year round with small flowers of various shapes (simple or double) and colors (white, red, orange or pink).

Varieties have also been bred with multi-colored foliage - from yellow-green to dark red. In the summer it decorates flower beds in the open ground, and in the winter it is transplanted into containers, and the flowering bushes will delight you at home.

As can be seen in the photo of the domestic begonia elatior (Begonia elatior), this flower with a complex hybrid origin has a rich palette of colors - from white to all sorts of shades and combinations of yellow, pink, and red.

In addition, some varieties of this plant are resistant to pests and diseases.

Begonia tuberous(Begonia tuberhybrida) is more often used for seasonal decoration of open flower beds, including balconies and verandas. The species also has a large number of varieties, differing both in the size of the plant (there are also ampelous forms) and in the size and number of flowers - from giant (up to 20 cm in diameter) to small but numerous (about 3 cm in multi-flowered varieties).

The main advantage of deciduous and decorative species is large, asymmetrical or unevenly toothed leaves, smooth or slightly pubescent, with a bright, intricate pattern.

For example, at royal begonia(Begonia rex) leaves are silver, dark burgundy or almost black, covered with pearl, emerald, purple spots or strokes along the veins (it is difficult to list all color options).

Coral begonia (Begonia corallina) and hogweed begonia (Begonia heracleifolia) can grow for a long time only under artificial light.

Caring for indoor begonias

Caring for indoor begonias of flowering species requires more lighting than caring for deciduous and ornamental species. But neither one nor the other likes direct sun. All begonias love high humidity (about 60%) and warmth (temperature in winter is about +14...+18 °C). Water abundantly in summer, moderately in winter. When caring for indoor begonia flowers, spraying is very useful, but you should use only the smallest sprayer, since large drops of water cause spots to appear on the leaves. Replant in the spring annually or every other year, using a soil mixture of leaf soil, peat, compost, turf soil and sand (1: 1: 1: 0.5: 1).

Beneficial properties of begonias

Volatile substances (phytoncides) released by begonias are active against a number of pathogens and molds. The beneficial properties of begonias are very much appreciated in rooms located on the ground floors of old houses, where, as a rule, there is little light and quite damp. Bright colors of foliage and flowers help improve overall tone and reduce fatigue at the end of the day.

Begonia, according to Feng Shui masters, is capable of stabilizing energy flows, bringing the energy of the house to harmony and balance. It is especially useful for emotionally unstable people who can turn any trifle into a tragedy.

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Every good housewife knows that you can add additional coziness to your home with the help of indoor flowers. If you decorate the window sills with them and place them on a spectacular floor stand, then even a half-empty room with a cheap renovation will immediately acquire an attractive look.

However, superstitious people are sure that the choice of homemade herbs must be approached very responsibly. After all, among indoor pets there may be real energy vampires, while other plants will bring joy and well-being into your life. You should avoid the appearance of monstera or dieffenbachia in the house, but the presence of hibiscus, shefflera or cyclamen will have a positive effect on the family atmosphere.

In the long list of helping flowers, begonia occupies not the last place. Choosing this versatile plant is an excellent decision from both a practical and esoteric point of view. This green pet is unpretentious to growing conditions and at the same time very decorative, especially during the flowering period. Among the many species and varieties, there are incredibly beautiful options with a rich palette of shapes and colors.

You received a begonia as a gift, find out the signs associated with it

How is this plant useful for the owner and his home?

  • Begonia perfectly helps to get rid of any negative energy. It neutralizes the secret anger and envy of unpleasant visitors. The plant absorbs irritation or uncertainty of household members, bringing peace, harmony, and a thirst for action into their hearts and minds.
  • The flower has a positive effect on the well-being of the inhabitants of the house. It is especially useful for those who experience problems with the heart or respiratory system. For people who are worried about the liver or stomach, begonia will also help overcome ailments.
  • A green pet also contributes to the material prosperity of the owner. Its presence in the office or home office sharpens business intuition and helps make the right financial decisions. For businessmen, begonia is simply irreplaceable, however, it will also help people far from financial spheres. For example, a flower will “tell you” how you can invest money profitably or make a profitable purchase.
  • For the heart front, the plant is also indispensable. For single people, it will ensure a meeting with fate, and for married couples it guarantees harmony in relationships. Moreover, the shade of the inflorescences and the location of the pot play a big role here. A scarlet begonia in the bedroom will guarantee absolute satisfaction in intimate relationships, a pink flower in the kitchen will help resolve everyday disagreements, and a snow-white pet in the living room will ensure mutual understanding among all household members.
  • In addition, you should always pay attention to the condition and appearance of the plant. Its unscheduled flowering can predict the appearance of a new family member, and active growth, strong and bright foliage - the favor of fortune in any, even the most daring, endeavors. But yellowing, wilting or death of the begonia foreshadows problems, troubles and illnesses for the inhabitants of the house.


See also: Signs about flowers

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Growing conditions

This is not to say that such begonias are unpretentious. In order for the plant to be healthy and delight you with gorgeous flowering, it needs careful care. Begonia grows and blooms successfully only in fertile soil. She needs regular fertilizing (once every two weeks) with complex mineral fertilizers, which alternate with organic fertilizing. Soil for begonias can be bought in specialized stores.

Correct fit

The secret to growing begonias is that the upper part of the tuber should never be buried. It should rise 1-2 mm above the soil surface or be lightly sprinkled. The roots of begonia are superficial, tender and very small, and during the flowering period watering should be plentiful (preferably with warm, settled water). At the same time, the soil should not be allowed to become soggy, otherwise the roots will rot.

Light for begonias

Tuberous begonias are light lovers; they need bright sunlight, but not direct sunlight. It can be placed on south-eastern, eastern and western windows. In the garden, begonia will do well in the shade under trees or taller plants.

Begonias do not tolerate high air temperatures (at temperatures above 250, plants feel uncomfortable). Therefore, on very hot days, flower pots must be cooled: placed in damp peat, sawdust or a tray with wet pebbles (peat or pebbles must be constantly wet).

Plants will thank you if you regularly spray the air around them.

Possible troubles

If you find brown or black dry spots on the begonia leaves, this is sunburn. Try to choose a place for the plant where there is no access to direct sunlight. If the leaves turn yellow, but the sun could not burn, then perhaps the plant lacks moisture and nutrients, or, conversely, the plant is “flooded” and does not have enough light.

Begonia leaves curl and dry out - the air around the plant is too dry and the temperature is too high.

Buds fall off due to dry air and excessive watering.

If you notice that the plant is rotting, stop watering it abundantly, remove the rotten parts of the plant, carefully remove the top layer of soil from the top of the tuber and add fresh soil.

Winter storage

In their homeland, tuberous begonias tolerate seasonal climate changes well. But in our conditions they need a period of rest. Therefore, after the first frost, the plant is dug up and, together with a lump of earth or in pots, transferred to the house. Watering almost stops. After about a month, the above-ground part of the plant dies, after which the tubers are taken out of the ground and placed in boxes, sprinkled with sawdust.

In this form, begonias are stored in the basement (or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator at +1-10 °C) until spring. The substrate is wetted from time to time.

Begonia in the house: plant care and signs

Some features

Sudden changes in light are harmful to begonias. Let’s say if you germinated it on the western window, and the plant itself was moved to the southern balcony, then burns will definitely appear on the leaves. On dark northern window sills, begonia blooms rarely and sparsely, but on northern balconies it blooms beautifully, the main thing is not to overwater the plant.


A begonia tuber can live 5-6 years. A two to three year old tuber can be used for vegetative propagation. To do this, before planting, a dense round tuber is divided into parts so that each part has 1-2 developed buds. The cuttings are sprinkled with coal or ash and the “clippings” are planted in the soil. You should not water the plants heavily during this period. Seed propagation is possible, but this process is long and quite labor-intensive.

yes, throw it away...


Begonia. Doesn’t like a lot of water. Water moderately. Doesn’t like direct sunlight, but the place should be lit. Remove dried leaves and loosen the soil.

From Wikipedia:

The most favorable temperature for begonias is 13-22 °C, but it is necessary to maintain a stable level of air humidity - at least 60%. Features of seasonal maintenance are determined by the nature of each species. Bushy and herbaceous begonias with above-ground or underground rhizomes are dormant from October to February. Tuberous begonias are placed in a dormant state by reducing watering and cutting off wilted shoots. You can store the tubers of these plants in the dark at a temperature of 10-12 °C for about two months. Begonias grow and develop better in partial shade. These plants are watered only after the surface of the earthen clod has completely dried. If overwatered, begonias will rot. On hot days, the air around the begonia is sprayed, trying not to get on the leaves. The plant is replanted only if necessary.


You'll have to take care.



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