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Characteristics of a Leo man born in the year of the goat. Leo - goat

Proud Goat. Too incomprehensible, contradictory.

Eastern horoscope- Goat

Zodiac horoscope- A lion

Leo gives the Sheep a much-needed sense of proportion. Leo-Sheep are both decisive and sensitive. These are the most charismatic of all Sheep, easily finding a “support group”.

Leo-Goat men and women are a great mixture of intelligent and sensitive qualities. These people are energetic and slightly less aggressive than other Leos. This balance creates very intelligent and responsible people who are very understanding of the feelings of others. This is a modest and well-mannered Leo who is kind and generous with his time and patience.

The Leo Goat appears to be much older than they actually are, all this is due to their wise skills and understanding. It seems that from early childhood they learned how to interact effectively with other people. They have a lot of experience in assessing the emotions of others. This makes them almost always successful in attracting the right partners. They take personal relationships very seriously.

Since they are very tuned to the emotions of other people, they are often surrounded by crowds of friends. These people are extremely family oriented. They enjoy home-cooked food, the warmth of family and friends, and especially the comfort of their own bed. They will never want to take jobs that require traveling long distances from home.

These people have a high degree of pride, their self-esteem is high, and they have difficulty accepting rejection, disappointment, or hurt. When their pride becomes injured, they begin to feel helpless and angry, and begin to be capricious. They are usually optimistic, and it doesn’t take them much time to get back to normal. One of their greatest strengths is that they are very intelligent in what they do, but this can also be their weakness.

The weakness in the personality of such a person is that they can be too intelligent and miss out on the fun moments in life. If they learn to do something unusual or exciting it will help them relax. They need to have more of a sense of humor.

Leo the goat can be overly self-confident and overestimate their capabilities. The pride and arrogance of the Leo zodiac sign is here combined with the trepidation and vulnerability of the goat. This combination makes a person vulnerable and even touchy. The Leo-goat wants to look like a king, but inside he is tormented by self-doubt.

Such people are often perfectionists, they strive to do everything in the best way, and sometimes Leo-Goats succeed in this, especially in the field of art. What helps them in this is dissatisfaction with themselves, which pushes them onto the path of improvement.

The Leo Goat is not very sociable for representatives of its sign; it is rather closed and gives the impression of a person of mystery. The Leo goat, especially the woman, looks attractive and intriguing. She is very artistically gifted, but sometimes she lacks sexual energy.

In a family, the Leo goat, including the man, is more attracted to human warmth and participation than sex, and she reacts very painfully to criticism or remarks from her partner.

Liana Raimanova

Leo people are self-confident and have an assertive leadership character. But under the influence of the sign of the Goat, they become completely atypical representatives of the royal breed.

Leo-Goat is a shy and vulnerable person, although in appearance he may seem to be the complete opposite of himself. For those around him, such a personality will be a real mystery, because she does not strive to adhere to traditional principles of behavior, and is not afraid to go beyond what is permitted. Leos born in the year of the Goat are constantly torn apart by internal contradictions, which is why they become proud and touchy.

Once you laugh rudely at such a person or break his authority in some other way, it will be almost impossible to restore good relations with him. Leo-Goat does not have the self-confidence typical of representatives of the royal sign, tends to doubt one's judgment.

Despite the presence of psychological complexes, he calmly perceives his appearance and considers himself an attractive person. Those around him in most cases agree with him, especially the fair sex.

Leo, born in the year of the Goat, loves to attract public attention because he craves the recognition of other people.

Sooner or later he goes too far with this and becomes arrogant and overly proud. But the response from others, usually sharply negative, helps representatives of the described astrological combination to quickly return to the roots of normal behavior.

What sets them apart from other Leos is their unstable, somewhat nervous character. Leos born in the year of the Goat prefer to keep to themselves in any group. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the periodically waking up love of loneliness, but the main motive is the opportunity to once again intrigue others.

For all their isolation, Leo-Goats get along well with people and can have many acquaintances and friends. The ability to feel the emotions of other people and empathize with them allows representatives of the sign to easily and quickly make contacts.

Leos born in the year of the Goat prefer to keep to themselves in any group

Leo, born in the year of the Goat, is a very artistic person. People of this sign often find themselves in creative professions related to theatrical art or cinema.

Leo-Goat men are kind and generous people, but due to numerous complexes, they are often offended by little things. In their youth, such guys are career-oriented and strive for championship in their chosen direction. But, if they fall deeply in love, they change their priorities and begin to pay more attention to their family. In personal relationships, Leo-Goats manifest themselves as reliable and responsible partners.

A man born under these signs easily attracts the attention of the opposite sex. He always looks neat, tries to dress stylishly and is confident in his irresistibility. He does not particularly strive to be a leader, but enjoys respect and recognized authority among those around him. This person is a maximalist; he wants to receive the best from what is offered. This manifests itself in almost all areas of his life.

The Leo guy, born in the year of the Goat, often uses manipulation to achieve his goals.

This quality is especially evident at work - Leo-Goat manipulates colleagues, partners, and superiors. Like all representatives of the royal sign, such a man gravitates towards leadership positions. But the influence of the eastern horoscope softens his character, so he turns out to be a more than loyal boss.

Married Leo-Goats do not like long business trips, since it is difficult for them to be away from home.

The Leo man, born in the year of the Goat, approaches life with a fair amount of optimism and is always not averse to having a lot of fun. But due to shyness and excessive seriousness, he may lack a sense of humor. His character is not weak, but soft and sensitive, therefore, Leo-Goat can be easily disturbed by a careless word.

Despite the increased emotionality, this person tries to do everything thoughtfully. This should be perceived rather as a minus, since excessive prudence almost completely removes the element of surprise and the moments of fun associated with it from the life of Leo-Goat. It can be difficult for representatives of this sign to relax, although to do this they only need to do something exciting and unusual.

Leo-Goat can be easily disturbed by a careless word

A woman born under the influence of Leo-Goat signs likes to take care of her appearance. She dresses beautifully, carefully selects her perfume, and her makeup almost always looks flawless. Perfectionism in caring for one's appearance does not prevent representatives of this sign from experiencing constant dissatisfaction with themselves. They skillfully disguise their complexes with pride and feigned importance.

Lionesses born in the year of the Goat understand other people well and have a pronounced ability to empathize

On this basis they can start a lot strong friendships. Such women are always friendly with those around them: they smile at passers-by, greet neighbors, and are always happy to talk with an acquaintance they meet by chance.

The Leo girl, born in the year of the Goat, greatly values ​​comfort and material wealth. When choosing a partner to live together, she focuses primarily on the man’s financial condition. But having met a worthy chosen one, I am ready to devote myself entirely to him.

Surprisingly, representatives of the Leo-Goat combination often have a better sense of humor than men of the same signs. They are also overly rational, but not without coquetry and frivolity. In general, the character of the Lioness-Goat can be described as follows: proud, ambitious, sensual, intriguing.

A woman born under the influence of the Leo-Goat signs likes to take care of her appearance

Pride is one of the main disadvantages in the character of a Leo woman born in the year of the Goat. She often behaves arrogantly with others, because she is sure that everyone should indulge her whims.

Girls of this sign tend to withdraw into oneself, because of this they miss many potentially happy moments. It can be difficult for them to simply enjoy life due to excessive seriousness.

In marriage, the Lioness-Goat positions herself as a weaker partner, but this does not prevent her from often showing her stubbornness

This woman’s chosen one must behave respectfully towards his wife, constantly praise her, and make romantic surprises. The Leo girl takes criticism very hard, and insults may not be forgiven at all.

Leo-Goat puts love first place on the list of life priorities. He is looking for an affectionate and gentle partner who will show care and respect. These qualities are paramount for representatives of the signs described; they analyze all other characteristics later, during their life together. Leo-Goat can turn a blind eye to many of the shortcomings of a loved one if he is sufficiently correct and tolerant.

For a man born under the sign of Leo-Goat, his work means a lot. He will always be glad to have a partner who can speed up his career advancement. Such a guy is even capable of entering into an arranged marriage and sees nothing wrong with it. It is possible that under such circumstances he will feel happy and even eventually fall in love with his chosen one.

Leo-Goat puts love first in the list of life priorities

But if love overtakes him earlier, he will forget to think about trying to extract material benefits from personal relationships. Deep feelings radically change Leo-Goats for the better. If such a guy truly falls in love, he will be ready make any sacrifice for the sake of your beloved.

Leo, born in the year of the Goat, feels good about the prospect of adding to his family if he has met a suitable partner. Such men make the most best fathers– they are caring, attentive and see in their descendants the main meaning of life.

If a Leo-Goat man falls in love with a girl who does not suit his character, he will continue the relationship for a long time, despite its futility

But when he is finally convinced that the union has no chance for a future, he will find the strength to be the first to end the romance.

Leos born in the year of the Goat value home comfort and try their best to maintain a warm atmosphere in the family. For this, they are ready to work hard on relationships and can often pamper their spouses with romantic surprises even after many years of marriage.

A woman representing the signs Leo and Goat is even more focused on creating a family. She does not show signs of being a good housewife, living with her parents or alone. But, as soon as she acquires a family nest, the Lioness-Goat begins to arrange it with enviable zeal.

Such women are simply obsessed with maintaining order and comfort in the house. They love to cook and regularly spoil their household with delicious dishes. Knitting, sewing and other types of needlework are also to the liking of Goats. The Lioness-Goat loves to receive guests; for her this is another reason to show off her talents.

The Leo-Goat woman does not show signs of a good housewife

Representatives of the sign, who are forced to work full-time, cannot devote enough time to everyday life and have a hard time with it. Therefore, their compatibility in love is higher with wealthy men, whose salary is enough for the whole family. This is exactly the kind of partner that a girl born under the Leo-Goat sign dreams of.

The dreams of representatives of this astrological combination often come true, since they attract men like a magnet. This is facilitated by a special character: sensual, emotional, flirtatious. Next to such a woman, any man feels like a hero and protector, which, of course, flatters his pride. For the sake of this feeling, representatives of the strong half of humanity are ready to endure almost any whims of the stubborn Goat.

Lionesses born in the year of the Goat are impressed by the traditional idea of ​​​​the distribution of roles in marriage

They believe that a man should be in charge and easily agree to a leading role. But at the same time, it is very important that the chosen one truly loves his lady of the heart. Otherwise, the Goat woman will feel like the most unhappy person on the planet.

In her youth, almost any Lioness-Goat is surrounded by a crowd of admirers. But she is in no hurry to single out anyone from this crowd, because doesn't want fleeting romances. To attract the attention of such a girl, you need to seriously interest her in your personality, demonstrating the prospect of a long-term relationship.

An intellectually developed man has the greatest chance of winning the sympathy of the Lioness-Goat. The scope of his interests should be extensive, and it is highly desirable that this area include theatrical, musical or other arts. The gentleman of a girl born in the year of the Goat must have resistance to female whims, since such ladies are very capricious and changeable. They cannot tolerate rudeness and rudeness in men.

Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Cat (Rabbit), Horse, PigTiger, Snake, Goat, MonkeyRat, Dragon, Rooster, Dog, Bull
According to the Western calendar Leo, Pisces, GeminiVirgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus, ScorpioLibra, Aquarius, Aries
  • Leo – quiet and calm relationships, partners are very comfortable together.
  • Virgo – these signs have average love compatibility, but friendly relations between their representatives will certainly be productive and mutually beneficial.
  • Libra - conflicts in this pair are a frequent occurrence.
  • Scorpio - the characters of the representatives of the sign are different, but the signs will be able to resolve any differences if they really want to be together.
  • Sagittarius - good sexual compatibility, but the partners have many mutual claims.
  • Capricorn is a union of two completely different people. If they find common ground, they can become good friends, but nothing more.
  • Aquarius - Both signs are selfish and self-focused. The future together for this couple is unlikely to be cloudless.
  • Pisces is a harmonious union, but partners need to work on the relationship so that it remains ideal.
  • Aries - a whirlwind short romance will certainly bring a lot of pleasure to both partners. But they will not be able to build a serious relationship.
  • Taurus – a lot of conflicts, a lot of disagreements, little mutual understanding. If there is great love, the union can last a long time.
  • Gemini - according to the Western horoscope, this union one of the most successful. Excellent love, friendship and business compatibility.
  • Cancer - partners do not combine well in character, but can try for a long time to save a fading relationship.

An intellectually developed man has the greatest chance of winning the Lioness-Goat.

Love compatibility of Leo, born in the year of the Goat, according to the eastern horoscope

  • Goat to two Goats it's hard to get along together, since both are quite lazy, they expect too much from their partner, but it is quite possible.
  • Monkey - this will be a very bright and interesting union. The friendship between these signs is definitely doomed to success, and in a love relationship any outcome is possible.
  • Rooster - partners have little in common; they often quickly tire of each other.
  • Dog – low love and friendship compatibility. When communicating closely, these people begin to irritate each other.
  • Pig is very lasting love union, in which serious conflicts and, especially, adultery are unlikely.
  • Rat - partners understand each other well, in the first stages this is enough for them. But you shouldn't count on a successful marriage.
  • Ox - representatives of this sign find it difficult to tolerate the whims of the Goat; sooner or later they break down and thereby greatly offend their partner.
  • Tiger – It is difficult for the Tiger and the Goat to adapt to each other, but a love union can bring a lot of benefits to both.
  • Rabbit - the harmonious union of the gentle Rabbit and the sensual Goat is designated by Eastern astrology as one of the most successful combinations.
  • Dragon - these people have poor compatibility in love, but they make extremely successful business partners.
  • Snake - The Snake does not share the Goat’s sentimentality, which hurts her sensitive soul, but it’s worth trying to build a relationship, especially if there is mutual feeling.
  • Horse – representatives of the Goat and Horse signs complement each other perfectly. Great astrological combination!

Deep feelings radically change Lviv-Koz for the better

Full characteristics of a Leo child born in the year of the Goat

Little Leo-Goats follow their parents everywhere, they are uncomfortable being alone. This kind, vulnerable and trusting children. The belligerence introduced into a child’s character by the zodiac horoscope is almost completely neutralized by the influence of the East. Even the Leo boy born in the year of the Goat is not prone to conflicts, while girls generally behave “quieter than water...”.

Lion cubs born in the year of the Goat are characterized by quiet behavior, as they are focused on a thorough analysis of the world around them. They think a lot, trying to analyze every phenomenon in detail. The influence of the royal sign gives little Leos decisiveness and the ability to take risks.

Children born under the Leo-Goat sign combination are very attached to their parents

They diligently follow, if not all, then most of the advice of mom and dad. Lion cubs born in the year of the Goat love to clean up their room, providing themselves with much-needed comfort.

The main difficulty in raising such a child is his stubbornness. This trait is inherent in both boys and girls representing the astrological combination Leo-Goat.

29 October 2017, 02:26

The Leo-Goat man is a charismatic person, distinguished by calmness and wisdom. Many of its qualities have double strength, since they are inherent in both the zodiac sign and the eastern patron. This is a very interesting topic, and therefore we should now consider it in a little more detail.

Personality characteristics

The Leo-Goat man is self-confident, proud, masculine and sexy. He is sleek and polished, always dressed to the nines. This wise and calm gentleman is respected by other men and loved by women.

Sometimes it even seems that he was born to shine. However, he easily receives admiration and worship.

It is also interesting that Leo, born in the year of the Goat, perfectly feels the emotions of other people. Therefore, he makes friends easily.

This person is a maximalist, accustomed to taking everything from life. But, despite being strong, he is childishly vulnerable. Along with all the serious qualities, he is also characterized by sensitivity, emotionality and temperament. He also has a weak sense of humor.

Inner world

The weak traits of the Leo man born in the year of the Goat include touchiness. Any little thing can offend him. There are still many complexes hiding under the mask of self-confidence. It is in order to overcome them that he strives for self-affirmation and self-realization.

It is really vital for a Leo-Goat man to feel like the best, to occupy the main and bright positions everywhere. But he doesn't always succeed. Natural shyness and timidity often interfere with the realization of these goals.

Behavior in life

The Leo-Goat man achieves everything through his professionalism and perseverance. Whatever field he works in, he will achieve the desired success in any case.

The financial side, I must say, does not interest him much. But a Leo man, born in the year of the Goat, is always wealthy, because he knows how to use his powers correctly. He not only plans his budget, but also finds opportunities to save.

This zodiac combination is truly successful. The qualities of the Goat make the Leo man a little less warlike and aggressive. So he may well turn out to be a loyal leader, a balanced spouse and a good father.

He loves business trips, but only short ones. He likes to travel, but only in the company of friends, so that there is no despondency and loneliness.


This topic also needs to be addressed with attention when discussing the characteristics of the Leo-Goat man. In personal relationships, this person is reliable, serious and stable. He chooses for life the woman who is able to show affection, respect, care and correctness towards him.

This man will search for “the one” for a long time. Trying to find the ideal woman, he goes through a long path of love failures and hopelessness. When choosing a partner, Leo-Goat is guided by reason and logic. Emotions come in last.

He may still remain lonely. But some Leo-Goats are lucky. If a man representing this zodiac combination finds his love, then he will turn into an exemplary family man who adores his wife and relaxation with his family. Under such conditions, this person will even change his life values ​​and guidelines.

It is important for him to create an ideal family. But at the same time he does not forget about passion. Even after many years, the Leo-Goat man will look after his wife, delight her and surprise her.


Many girls who are interested in the topic of Leo-Goat man compatibility are also concerned about this issue. In fact, intimacy is not a priority for him. This person will become intimate only some time after the start of the relationship. It is very important for him to evaluate the girl - this will help him understand whether the chosen one is suitable for him. And he pays attention to such qualities as correctness, politeness and respect.

In bed, Leo, born in the year of the Goat, does not accept excess. He prefers simplicity. He doesn’t even need sophisticated surroundings, because he himself is attractive. And boundless sensuality will help Leo experience something completely unusual with his partner.

This man really reveals himself 100% in bed, because it is the intimate sphere that confirms his masculinity.


This topic is worth studying one last time. If you believe the horoscope, then the best match for a Leo man born in the year of the Goat will be a representative of one of the following signs:

  • Aries.
  • Twins.
  • Virgo.
  • Scales.
  • Scorpion.
  • Sagittarius.
  • Fish.

That is, as you can see, Leo-Goat relationships will not work out very well with only three signs. Otherwise, there are prospects, and they are not bad.

It will be lucky if this man’s chosen one is born in the year of the Horse, Dragon, Pig or Rabbit. But it’s better for him not to associate himself with the Dog, Ox, Tiger, Snake, Rooster and Rat. In such a couple there will be constant conflicts due to a lack of mutual understanding and radically different temperaments.

Proud Goat. Too incomprehensible, contradictory.

Chinese horoscope: Year of the Goat
Zodiac horoscope: Leo sign

Leo gives the Sheep a much-needed sense of proportion. Leo-Sheep are both decisive and sensitive. These are the most charismatic of all Sheep, easily finding a “support group”.

Leo-Goat men and women are a great mixture of intelligent and sensitive qualities. These people are energetic and slightly less aggressive than other Leos. This balance creates very intelligent and responsible people who are very understanding of the feelings of others. This is a modest and well-mannered Leo who is kind and generous with his time and patience.

The Goat-Leo appears to be much older than they actually are, all this is due to their wise skills and understanding. It seems that from early childhood they learned how to interact effectively with other people. They have a lot of experience in assessing the emotions of others. This makes them almost always successful in attracting the right partners. They take personal relationships very seriously

Since they are very tuned to the emotions of other people, they are often surrounded by crowds of friends. These people are extremely family oriented. They enjoy home-cooked food, the warmth of family and friends, and especially the comfort of their own bed. They will never want to take jobs that require traveling long distances from home.

These people have a high degree of pride, their self-esteem is high, and they have difficulty accepting rejection, disappointment, or hurt. When their pride becomes injured, they begin to feel helpless and angry, and begin to be capricious. They are usually optimistic, and it doesn’t take them much time to get back to normal. One of their greatest strengths is that they are very intelligent in what they do, but this can also be their weakness.

The weakness in the personality of such a person is that they can be too intelligent and miss out on the fun moments in life. If they learn to do something unusual or exciting it will help them relax. They need to have more of a sense of humor.

Leo the goat can be overly self-confident and overestimate their capabilities. The pride and arrogance of the Leo zodiac sign is here combined with the trepidation and vulnerability of the goat. This combination makes a person vulnerable and even touchy. The Leo-goat wants to look like a king, but inside he is tormented by self-doubt.

Such people are often perfectionists, they strive to do everything in the best way, and sometimes Leo-Goats succeed in this, especially in the field of art. What helps them in this is dissatisfaction with themselves, which pushes them onto the path of improvement.

The Leo Goat is not very sociable for representatives of its sign; it is rather closed and gives the impression of a person of mystery. The Leo goat, especially the woman, looks attractive and intriguing. She is very artistically gifted, but sometimes she lacks sexual energy.

In a family, the Leo goat, including the man, is more attracted to human warmth and participation than sex, and she reacts very painfully to criticism or remarks from her partner.

Athletes: football players Mario Zagalo, Gianni Rivera, Alexander Grinin; chess player Viktor Korchnoi; jockey Willie Shoemaker, who won more than eight thousand races.

Artists: artist, art historian, writer, architect Giorgio Vasari (Uffizi architectural ensemble); artist, leader of the realist school John Sloan; architect Basil Spence (Coventry Cathedral).

Inventors: aircraft designer, creator of the first airplane, Orville Wright; creator of the electric guitar, Leo Fender; the musical master who invented the clarinet, Johann Denner.

Politicians and military leaders: ataman of the Don Cossack army, hero of Borodino Matvey Platov; revolutionary, creator of the Spartak League, founder of the German Communist Party Karl Liebknecht; Prosecutor General of the USSR, prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials Roman Rudenko.

Writing fraternity: journalist, publisher of the magazine “Son of the Fatherland” and the newspaper “Northern Bee” Nikolai Grech; publicist Andrey Nuykin; poet, shot during the years of repression, Boris Kornilov; writer and translator Robert Graves (“I, Claudius”); satirist writer Mikhail Zoshchenko; writer Boleslav Prus (“Pharaoh”, “Doll”); scandalous writer Vladimir Sorokin (“Blue Lard”).

Also presented here are: detective and creator of detective work in France, Francois Vidocq; swindler, butterfly collector, State Duma deputy, creator of the MMM “pyramid” Sergei Mavrodi and Hitler’s financier Alfred Krupp.

Horoscope of Leo-Goat (Sheep) woman

Who are Leo-Goat women? Here, for example, is the path of life. Janice Rule was first a nightclub dancer. Then she established herself as a theater and television actress. Then she married a director and became a respectable wife, still occasionally acting in films. Family life influenced Janice so much that the former stripper became a famous psychoanalyst.

Gabrielle Coco Chanel is a trendsetter. Coco combined simultaneously a thirst for freedom and a craving for loneliness, self-doubt and a rich imagination, amazing efficiency and a penchant for a bohemian lifestyle. They called her a lonely savage, but she was all in plain sight. Coco led a hectic life and had no prejudices, using the money of her patrons for business and simply for pleasure. Then she made her first revolution by dressing in a men's suit. It was a rebellion in women's fashion, which until now had kept women in corsets.

Chanel started with hats and then moved on to fashionable knitwear (Sheep!). Her patrons and lovers financed bold projects. It was she who introduced the color black, tan and simplicity of lines into fashion, made short hair and a short dress fashionable and invented beach pajamas. “Don’t owe anything to anyone or anything” is her motto. Her second revolution is Chanel No. 5. There have always been many love affairs in this woman's life. However, none of them ended in anything serious. Most of her lovers died for various reasons. And she remained the one “whom they don’t marry.”

One day, the Duke of Westminster asked for her hand in marriage, to which the woman answered directly and ironically: “The world is full of all sorts of duchesses, but only one Coco Chanel.” After the war, Gabrielle was forgotten and turned into a lonely, grumpy lady who sometimes flew into a rage.

Theater and film actress Sofya Giatsintova was born in Moscow on August 4, 1895 in the family of a university professor. Sophia became interested in theater while still in high school. She studied at the Higher Women's Courses, and in 1910 she was accepted into the Art Theater and made her debut there, playing with her idol Kachalov. Young artists of the Art Theater began to study according to the Stanislavsky system; the actress remained faithful to this school all her life. Giatsintova served in this theater (later renamed the Moscow Art Theater) until 1924, performing in plays by Shakespeare, Goldoni, Turgenev, Ostrovsky and Maeterlinck. This period became the peak of her creative activity.

In 1938, Giatsintova moved to the Lenin Komsomol Theater, where, after the death of her husband and partner Bersenev, she became the main director and artistic director. Giatsintova transferred to the new venue the performances in which she had previously played: “Twelfth Night”, “A Doll’s House” and many others, continuing to play the main roles in them. The critic wrote about her: “Not possessing the energy and uninhibited boldness of the game characteristic of her rivals, on the contrary, rather revealing restraint, a tendency to softly shade the role, Giatsintova brought with her to the stage noble intelligence, spirituality of a high ... standard.”

Connoisseurs noted her charm, grace, subtle psychologism, deep insight into character, and the art of transformation. But, as we see, the talent of a leader was not alien to her. Psychologism is not characteristic of Leo, Leo lives in more material categories and energies, but psychologism, subtlety, a penchant for bohemianism and Goat are, consider, synonyms. And the fact that Leo is a leader who loves the stage and naturally exists on it is no secret. Giatsintova also acted in films - “The Fall of Berlin”, “The Unfinished Tale” - and in 1955 she became a People's Artist of the USSR. But there were also “Dowryless”, “Smoke of the Fatherland” and “Restless Old Age”. Giatsintova died in Moscow in 1982.

Among the naturally artistic Lvov-Sheep are director Gerasimov’s wife, actress Tamara Makarova (“Seven Braves,” “Teacher,” “Young Guard”); actresses Faye Ouray (“King Kong”), Judy Davis (“Naked Lunch”, “Barton Fink”), Marianna Vertinskaya (“Seven Brides of Corporal Zbruev”, “Death under Sail”). Biathlete Magdalena Forsberg is also here, as well as model and wife of musician Bowie, the extravagant and exotic Iman.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:



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